Please email us at or and let us know when you plan to return to in-person worship. If you don’t know yet, no problem. Please email us the week before you plan to return.

We will continue to have our worship services on Facebook Live and on YouTube live streaming for anyone who chooses to worship from home. Please follow CDC Guidelines and make sure you make a wise choice for you!

  • Thank you for wearing a mask, if you do not have a mask we will provide one for you.

  • Please enter the Sanctuary through the Gathering Hall

  • Each individual/family will social distance as we enter the Sanctuary 6’ apart on the blue lines

  • Thank you for arriving early and being patient with our ushers as they help you find your seat.

  • Families will sit together (no nursery or Kid’s in-person Sunday School at this time)

  • There will be no hymnals, prayer cards, guest cards or programs

  • All doors into and out of the building will remain open 15 minutes before the service and 10 minutes after the start of the service.

  • Thanks for not singing at this time and simply enjoying Derek’s and/or the band singing.

  • We will not be physically passing the peace

  • Offering plates will not be passed. Thank you for giving online, by text, or for mailing in your gift. The basket at the entrance can be used to drop in your gift.

  • All classrooms will be closed unless you have prior permission from the pastor.

  • Bathrooms will be open. Please use the bathroom before you leave home. Please read signs on the bathroom doors and use hand sanitizer and wash hands as you enter and exit the bathrooms

  • Please wait to be excused by the ushers/and or pastor when the service is over

  • Please exit as you are able through the assigned door for your section

  • If you feel sick, please stay home

*In-person worship will begin on Sunday, June 14th following the Direction of Bishop Jonathon Holston and the SCUMC Cabinet. We will continue to live stream both our services on Facebook Live and YouTube.